It is no secret that the computer game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has become not only a place of pastime, but a way to earn money, as we discuss in this article. You can also get more useful information here

Earnings on skins (in-game things)

Skins provide an opportunity to improve the visuals of standard things, and somehow bring variety to the game. Many collectors are ready to lay out not one thousand dollars for rare and interesting things. Get the thing you can just play every week, you just need to gain 5000 experience points and get a new level, and it’s about 4-6 games a week and you’ll fall absolutely random thing, which can cost from a few cents, to tens of thousands of dollars – it’s an absolute random.

In addition to the weekly stuff, you can also drop in-game cases, which cost from a few cents to a few dollars. These cases have a lot of interesting stuff in them, which can be knocked out if you buy a key on the steaming platform/in the game itself. At least twice a year there are Major CS:GO events where viewers get cases at random for watching them.

Earn money on CS:GO tournaments

You can take part in various Faceit, Starladder, and ESEA league tournaments with your friends. You need to put together a team of professionals like you to conquer the CS:GO scene. The prize pool of many tournaments exceeds millions of dollars.

CS:GO Marketplaces

Specialized trading platforms are very popular. Here you can buy a variety of products or sell them. Here’s a complete list of available features.

  1. Swap thing for thing (you exchange your items on the stuff offered by the site). This method is a big plus that the resource takes into account your stickers, the quality of things (float), the better the quality and rarer the sticker, the higher the price. Also a big plus that a big value has a pattern (additional pictures or quality skins).
  2. Swap things for things (with surcharge), you can swap your things with your surcharge, that is, you swap cheaper things for more expensive things. 
  3. Get things at a cheaper price, the approximate cost of things 70% of the Marketplace.
  4. Sell your things for real money, which in the future will be able to withdraw.

Such resources are used by many players because there are often a lot of things that lie idle and you can exchange them for a more expensive device. You can buy things with stickers on the Marketplace and sell them at a higher price on other resources. Let’s break down the pricing policy, if you are a trader, you know that the price offered is lower than on similar resources where you can sell. On average, 70% of TP.

So it makes sense to start using such sites, because this way you will have the opportunity to find a lot of new interesting opportunities. Start paying more attention to gameplay, so that you can eventually reach the next level. Professionals know how to make great money from the game, so it is worth taking a closer look at the basic types of earning, so you can get great results. You can get more information here